Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Things going on

Sunday, after returning from Youth retreat I made about 3 dozen Cake Pearls for college "Short" group. We didn't eat many and I took them home. Monday, I took some to work to share and when I returned home the plate was empty. What I didn't tell you was my car was in the shop so I was driving Tim's. I called him and asked if someone brought him home and they finished the cake pearls. He said no. I said come on, yeah you did. He said no. Mingus ate 8-10 cake pearls! I'm so thankful they weren't chocolate, but I'm sure his stomach didn't feel very well.

Today I had an interview with Elon Park Elementary. It's in South Charlotte and the weirdest interview I've had yet. They were scheduled every 15 minutes and I felt like just as I sat down and told a little about myself, it was over. I drove about 40 minutes for about 12 minutes of get to know you. I'm not sure if that's enough time to tell them if I'm right for the job, but we'll see!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I'm not a big one for concerts, nor am I easily star struck. BUT -- last night we saw Susan Isaacs and Donald Miller at Charlotte One. They were both excellent speakers and Tim and I found that we would like to go see more authors speak (recreational compansionship!). After we ate, we were on our way back to the cars and saw that their tour bus was still on the street. I went to sit on the steps while the rest drooled at what it would be like to talk to them and Evan went and knocked on the window. We squealed like 3rd graders at a Jonas Bros. concert and Donald Miller came out. He and Susan stood and talked to us for awhile, took pictures, then invited us to see the bus. I'll admit it, I was the first to say yes and ran up those steps right on Mr. Miller's heals. Oh how I have fallen! But it was super nice and they both were amazing. Read their books - Susan Isaacs "Angry Conversations with God", Donald Miller "Blue Like Jazz", his newest I can't recall off hand.

Catch UP

Last weekend we went to the mountains. I've never been much of a mountain girl, I love the beach. But, our friends have a cabin in Boone, NC and it was amazing. I jumped in Tim's car Friday afternoon, he had it packed with Mingus and a Spiced Pumpkin Latte and we were off. I was a little nervous driving after dark, since I thought for sure it was going to be difficult getting there. It was a breeze. (I did miss an exit, but thanks to the magic phone, we found an alternate route). We arrived and ate some homemade chili we'd brought and settled in. We woke up Saturday to temps in the 30's and gorgeous trees. We took Mingus for a walk and then drove around the mountains to get pics. Tim took a million. Then we just came back and hung out in the silence. We get so wrapped up in phone service and internet it was nice for the peace. I think it was tough on Mingus, he couldn't settle. On our way home we had some excellent seafood and were back to civilization.