Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Insights on American Theology

What’s the problem with American theology?

It's not the styles, or the stages – it’s our mentality

While people of the world

Loose their life for Christ the King

We’d rather sit in comfort,

Then raise our voice and sing


What would the church look like

if singing Sunday morning

Meant risking your life?

Would you show up? Would I?


We need to learn to sacrifice,

For the sake of Jesus Christ

We need to get off of our selves

And learn to pray (really pray)

We have no time to delay,

What if Christ came back today?

Would you be able to testify,

That in your life you glorified

The only One who’s worthy,

With all your might?

Would you? Would I?


What’s the problem with Church priorities?

It’s not the programs or attendance, it’s the lack of empathy.

In other countries they follow Christ,

Even if it means they lose their life

In America, we get excited

Over football Monday night


What would the church look like

if saying no to yourself

Meant following God’s will?

What would you say? What would I?


Who cares if you have a Lexus?

With bumper to bumper?

What does that do for the man who’s damned to hell?

Does your family love you more?

Cause their involved in every activity?

Have you shown them with your life,

The selfless love of Christ?

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