Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas - Finding the Balance

I Love Christmas Time.
I love everything about it.
The celebration of our salvation,the parties, the musicals, the family, the presents, and the decorations. This year I'm not able to put up decorations because we're preparing to move to North Carolina. While this is difficult for a Christmas-holic, like me - it's good for me to focus on the true reason to celebrate this time of year. It has nothing to do with lights, and trees and presents. It has to do with THE presence of God with Us. Emmanuel means God with us and that's exactly what He did.Praise God!

My struggle, I'm finding at Christmas time, is balancing things like the parties, the musicals, the rehearsals, etc with spending time with friends and family. Maybe it's because we're about to be away from all the people and places I've come to know well, but I'm realizing as great as musicals and parties are, it's extremely easy to let that overshadow spending time in community with those we love. Part of being a follower of Jesus Christ is showing His love, in a personal way to those we know. I don't know if my priorities are beginning to change with a new chapter beginning in my life, but I know that I would rather spend a quiet evening alone with my bride, or an evening with friends than in a 3 hour tech rehearsal.

That's not to say I don't enjoy Christmas and Easter presentations, I do! I look forward to certain times of year, because I feel like there's an obvious avenue for the arts to be used in the celebration of God with us, in us and through us. I enjoy finding unique music, well written dramas and combining all that to bring out the best in people while they glorify the Savior through their craft. This year's musical at Central is amazing! The story is original, the music is unique and edgy! In fact, out of all the musicals we've done since I've been here this is the most personal for CBC. The fact that it was birthed out of a ministry happening in our youth group makes it real.

So where is the balance? How does one find it and practice it? More importantly, how can one help keep those he leads in balance in their own lives?

Father in heaven,
I pray that You would help me discover balance in my life, especially in the area of my family and the passion for ministry You've instilled in me. God I want to glorify You through the arts in the most excellent way I can, but more than that I want to glorify You through how I love my family.
Thank You Lord, for grace and 'do-overs' for Your children.
In Jesus' Name,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank God for "do-overs". I'll need many of them before I achieve prefect balance.