Wednesday, September 2, 2009


So what's going on with the Groves? We're coming up on 9 months in NC. WOW! I'm on 1000mg of Metformin to help with the PCOS and insulin resistance. I also see a dietician every six weeks or so. Mingus is in his advanced training class. If he passes it we'll take the Canine Good Citizen test and he can be a therapy dog that goes into hospitals or nursing homes. I applied at an elementary school to be a teachers aid and the school district liked me a lot but have wait 20 days to see if there numbers will allow for a new hire. (fingers crossed) The weather is amazing. Monday, Tim and I agreed it felt like Christmas in TX. Hilarious. I'm ready for Christmas music and to go home in Nov. Tim goes home for his birthday next week. (Jealous!) So that's all we're really doing right now!

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