Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

Friday was an atrocious day at school - the children were ready to be at home as was I. So we went and hung out with the Eade's and then the guys went to jam. Saturday morning I go up and made eggs and pancakes. Then we went to Reedy Creek Park and took Mingus on a long walk. Then off to Matthews for the Matthews Alive festival. Nice! We got Adam's birthday present and had some great homemade soda. Then we went to look at TV's (what Tim wants for his birthday but isn't going to happen.) Then to the Apple Store to find out that a RAM upgrade would be $1200. No way. We'll buy it from crucial.com for $80. Ridiculous. Then back to the Eade's to teach them Mau. Sunday - back to 2 services, YEAH! and then lunch at home and Momentum (College home group) at the Fulghum's. I made cake pearls - coconut and carrot cakes and we had homemade ice cream. We played Mau until 1am. Monday we did nothing until we got it together and went to 3 chick-fil-a's for their free sandwiches. We took the extras downtown and gave them to homeless people and hope to really organize next time a restaurant does that and have a college challenge.

This morning, I took Mingus out to pee, and out of the corner of my eye, I see something moving. At first I thought the cat was caught in the garage door, but no it was a OPPOSUM! It's tail was caught and it was trying desperately to get free. I went inside hysterical and got the garage door opener and tried to raise it so it could get free. I had to raise it almost the whole way and then it almost squished him. Then his paw got stuck and finally it fell to the ground, landed on all four feet and stared at me. I whimper/screamed and it ran back into the garage. We live above the garage. If it's in there, there's probably more. What if it gets in? What if it messes with Mingus? Oh gross, we have to get this taken care of before Tim leaves or I'm going to have to sleep at the church!

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