Wednesday, July 23, 2008

And Just Like That...

...Summer of 2008 is almost finished.

The back-to-school sales have started, teachers are beginning to go back for training, and students are beginning to get that panicked look on their faces like “O no! We only have a few more weeks?!?!” I just read through the last 3 years of August newsletters I had written, honestly to get some idea of what I was to write this year. It’s hard because I wonder what I can write to encourage, uplift, inform and challenge each reader of this article. Maybe I’m flattering myself, maybe people don't even read this blog. I hope that’s not the case, but I guess I’ll never really know. What I do know is that this summer there have been some amazing things happening in our church. First off, the revival services each Wednesday have been great! Each week I have been able to attend, I have been blessed and I’ve heard that the weeks we weren’t here God has spoken strongly through each of the speakers and pastors. What have you done with all the information and biblical insight you’ve received this summer? Thought about it for a few minutes or days and forgotten about it? Written it down on a piece of paper or a journal and let it sit there taking up space in a book? Or have you really began to apply it to your life? The same thing goes for John’s sermon series on Love we just finished up. Each week – he has issued a challenge to us as followers of Jesus. Have you stepped up or stepped back? In the Christian walk – there isn’t just a neutral setting. I believe we are always either moving forward or moving backwards.

The Youth have had some amazing opportunities as well – this year at youth camp God broke many of them of things they had been holding on to. We had several kids begin their journey with Christ and several more rededicate their lives to Him. When I asked them what’s the hardest thing about coming home after camp, one of them replied “…bringing back what we learned and applying it to our daily walk and how we interact with others who don’t know Christ”. Adults, both young and old – please read this with your entire attention and heart. Our youth need examples of people who live out their daily walk to show the love of Jesus to EVERYONE. Jesus, as one of His last commandments He left us before he was crucified, told us to have love one for another. That we will (or should) be known for our love. Love lived out is obvious, it’s evident by a selfless life.

This summer is one for the books – great camps, great conferences, great revival services…

There is an ellipsis on the end of that sentence intentially – what you do with all you’ve been given this summer is the rest of the sentence. Don’t just gain knowledge for the sake of knowledge – APPLY IT! LIVE IT!


Anonymous said...

well said, ma'am!!!

('specially liked this line: "In the Christian walk – there isn’t just a neutral setting.")

Anonymous said...

k, so like RIGHT after i hit the dad-gum submit button, i realized that the post said "posted by tim g."

great. i'm a loser. lol.

k, we'll try again--

well said, sir!!!