Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Devotional 10/1 - John 19:17-24

I pray that as I read your word this afternoon, You continue to remind my spirit that You are God over all gods, Lord over all lords and true and only Awesome. Lord, keep my spirit broken and tender over my sin and the things I do and don't do which Your Holy Spirit directs me to do. Not only to remain broken over these things but to move to action to restore that which has been taken, claim victory over past battles and peace in the midst of absolutely crazy times I pray also that as I read Your word, You would show me I should do because of the words written. Lord, show me how I may better obey you in my walk with men and with You. I pray this in Jesus Name, Amen.

As I was reading I slowed over the words "Carrying His own cross, He went out to what is called the Skull Place, which in Hebrew is called Golgotha."

"He carried His own cross." - Why did John write this? What was it significant? I know there is probably a more historically accurate reason for this, but as I read it, I think to myself "He didn't look for someone else to carry His cross" even though he'd been beaten beyond recognition, spat on, the crown of thorns pressing into His head. He carried HIS cross. Because He knew that's what The Father wanted for Him to do in order to save humankind.

If Jesus had put down the cross and said "forget it! You can carry that thing - YOU DESERVE IT!" First, He would have been right. Second, He would have missed His calling and we would have lost the opportunity to have salvation in Jesus. Thank God He carried His own cross. If He hadn't, I can't even begin to fathom what would have happened. Because Jesus did what he was called to do. If Christ had put down the cross, we might have never seen the Power of God to restore a dead person to perfection!

How often do I complain about a burden I am to carry? Maybe its a job that I don't particularly care for, maybe it's a relationship that isn't the easiest thing to be a part of, maybe just getting my lazy butt out of bed in the morning! All these things are crosses of sorts God has called me to carry at this time.

If I choose not to carry my burden, what is the ramification I'm not even aware of? How by me either choosing not to carry it, or complaining about carrying it, am I robbing myself or the people around me of the blessings God chooses to bestow upon His children during times of trial and pain?

I will be mindful of my heart and spirit and when I start to complain about something, I will stop and thank God for the opportunity for Him to show His power in the midst of that 'cross'.

"Carrying His own cross, He went out to what is called Skull Place, which in Hebrew is called Golgotha."

John 19:17

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