Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Alone in the Orange Grove

Last night was my first night without Tim. He'll be home Friday, but off again on Saturday. This is his first long trip since we've had Mingus, our dog. So naturally, he got to sleep on the bed. Once he settled down at 11ish, I slept fine until about 3:45 when he decided he needed to scratch. Fun times.
What else is going on in Groves-town?
  • We're waiting to schedule our next test for getting pregnant and I hate waiting.
  • We're praying Tim's CRV makes it till the new year so my car will be paid off and he can get his Scion.
  • Getting ready for Tim to graduate from DBU on 12/19 with his M.A. Worship Leadership.
  • VBS is in 2 weeks
  • Youth Camp is in July.
  • Groves family cruise is in 59 days!

This feels like a Christmas re-cap card. But it's my first post, so it'll get better.

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