Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Disillusioned and Questioning

The nice thing is that not many people read my blog, since it's been months and months since we've posted anything. So i can use this more as a release than a platform. 

I just think it's terrible that it's come to this...
no longer are we 'red' or 'blue' states 
we're either pro chick-fil-a or anti chick-fil-a. 

I think it's ridiculous that an outspoken Christian man is being blasted for his views because they are different and that the masses have connected his views with 'hate'. 

I think it's ridiculous that many churches are holding up homosexuality as the platform 'sin' on which to stand against. Sin is sin. 

Do I believe that homosexuality is a sin according to the Bible?
Yes I do, right along side gluttony, gossip, lust, anger, and hate.
There is NO ONE righteous, NOT ONE.

But why is it that if I choose to agree with what I believe scripture says, that makes me a hate monger? 
Why is it that many of my friends whom I truly believe love and follow Jesus ardently disagree with me?
Why can we all read the same words of scripture and walk away with such opposing views?

Does that make one of us more accurate? 

Why are there some that are incredibly sure THEY are right...on both sides of the argument? 

When I or anyone who calls themselves Christ followers start to throw around insults and negative comments against others who claim the same name, they are falling short of Christ's command:

"By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” 

If that is the command my Lord gave me, then I must learn to love those who claim Christ even when their views don't match up with mine.

I long to understand the other viewpoint, not because I want to adopt it, but because I feel  perspective is key in loving well. The reason we are to love one another is because Christ loved us first. He loves us even when we continue to get it wrong. His love for us doesn't increase when we get something right. He IS love, so His ability to love is consistent. 

This is where my heart breaks, I think mainly because I do want to love others, and I have a hard time understanding how one can not only disagree with a fellow Christian, but then stand up with the rest of the world and make fun of/criticize someone for s their beliefs.  

“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you."

I'm okay with the world hating me, I'm heartbroken when people who I believe follow Jesus hate the things in which I find deep value. 

While I know what I believe and allow those beliefs to shape my decisions, I also try to guard against allowing my beliefs to alienate those I love - on both sides of this travesty. 
I want to know folks as people, not as viewpoints.  As another blogger and worship leader stated plainly - "relationship, relationship, relationship"

Instead of getting angry at the other point of view, I want to talk with folks, get their perspective. Not so they can try and change my mind or I can try and change theirs. 
I'm no one's Holy Spirit. 
I want to know folks as people - hurting, happy, goofy, struggling, passionate, exhausted, introverted, extroverted people, not as viewpoints

Deep. Sigh. 

Disillusioned by this country and the state of things is the only way I can put it, but it doesn't even begin to describe the feeling of utter helplessness and despair I'm feeling.

I'm tired of red and blue
I'm tired of left wing and right wing
I'm tired of liberal or conservative
I'm tired of feeling like the constitution doesn't apply to all. 
I'm tired of pro CFA or anti CFA.
I'm tired of the enemy distracting me from loving others in spite of where they stand on issues.
I'm tired of this deep feeling of heartache at the world and it's state.

Come Lord Jesus, Come.