Thursday, December 17, 2009


It's my next to last day at the CDC (not center for disease control, although sometimes...) anyways I was playing Bejeweled Blitz and began thinking "What if you only thought about the 'bad' things that happened to you this year?" So I decided to lay them out then challenge them with the greatness:

Meh or Bad
1. I have PCOS (insulin resistance)
2. Another year w/o a baby
3. MeMe went to assisted living
4. Miss my family
5. Miss my friends
6. Mingus ran away
7. Had a rough job most days
8. Didn't lose much weight this year
9. Took a large paycut
10. Moved from my house (unsold) to tiny apt. (1 bathroom and small closet)

Great things:
1. Moved to NC (weather is great!)
2. Made lots of friends
3. Saw Dr. Peacock who diagnosed PCOS and has a plan
4. Lost a little weight
5. Mingus came home and goes to puppy school
6. Had a job
7. Got a new job(s)
8. Was able to visit home a lot
9. Live near Myrtle Beach - got to go once!
10. Learned to live on less (space and money)
11. I'm no longer responsible for carrying the insurance!
12. Tim is happy @ work
13. Time to read - (more than fiction)
14. VBS!
15. Variety
16. Living in a big city
17. Time to bake!
18. QT with Tim (no grad school)
19. Visits from Fam and Friends
20. Charlotte One
21. SNOW!!!
22. Mountain trip!
23. Working with College students (youth and children)
24. Paid off some debt
25. Sending Care packages
26. Adam will be near us while at lutherie school
27. So many close states
28. Dog parks - Reedy Creek
29. Adventure

My list really could go on. I know people get down in the winter, so maybe they should make lists. I'm a list maker, from to-do lists to pro/con lists. They always make me feel better. The great things that have happened to you this year far out weigh the negative. The most simply being you lived another year. God has provided for you for another year. I know a lot of people lost jobs and things got tight, but you made it there was a new tomorrow and maybe you got to volunteer somewhere, maybe you got to know others w/o jobs. Maybe you found something else. Look forward and don't dwell on that stuff that you can't change!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I'm still here at school (3 more days), counting down to quitting, and getting to TX. I'm ready to wrap all those presents I sent there and spend some good times with the fam. The Christmas musical was excellent and I miss seeing everyone already (not that I want to have marathon practices again, just want to get together). I'm excited about my brother coming back to NC with us after Christmas and starting a new job in January. I'm ready to go see Dr. Peacock on the 21st and have him tell me I'm doing better since we're walking Mingus regularly. I'm ready to get into a rhythm and be excited about what I'm doing. I guess that's it. What a great year 2009 was and 2010 can only get better (except for that whole turning 30 thing!)