Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I went to the Dr. yesterday for a follow up on my test results. I did the glucose test 3ish weeks ago and we were seeing if that is what keeps us from being prego. My glucose levels were fine. But my insulin levels... at fasting a normal level should be 10. Mine: 120. After the drinking the glucose a normal level should be 20. Mine: 101. So I have extremely high insulin levels which determines I do have PCOS and an insulin blocker. woot. so I have started taking Glucophage which will slowly bring my insulin under control and help me lose weight (That's good stuff) But... I will be on this forever. I don't like that. I am a more likely than not to have a child with insulin issues. You are welcome baby Groves. That's my biggest beef with this whole thing. Me have issues fine. I don't want to pass it on. But here's my silver lining. I am not diabetic. If I can get this under control I will not have gestational diabetes and will be thinner. If we had not moved to NC we never would have known. While I loved my Dr. in TX, she was ready to send me to an infertility specialist (too expensive). Since this leans more towards a diabetes setting, insurance will cover it. If we had not moved to NC, I would not have run into people who knew exactly my symptoms and were so willing to help me go in that direction. God is amazing how we wait and pout but he is always on the same page. I'm also very thankful for the 5 1/2 years with Tim by ourselves. We've gotten to do a lot that had we had children wouldn't have worked and how many people want to be on the 5 year plan and never make it? We did! Now, we're still not sure how long this will take but at least we know what it is.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Angela's 6 month update

So we've been here six months, today! My how the time flies. How you miss your family but you don't miss the heat. I miss my Mexican food, but love being closer to the beach (eventhough we haven't been yet!) I love our new friends and church but miss the old ones too. Jobs? Mine - meh - take it or leave it! Tim's? Great! Mingus is doing great, he's in intermediate training and we're working hard. Babies? I have a follow-up appt. with Dr. Peacock on Monday. So we'll see. What a journey! How wonderful it is to see where we've come from and know we're on the right path.