Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Lyrical Ode to the of Love of My Life on Her Birthday

Here it is your Birthday
And it’s your 29th
30’s just around the corner
Let not think about that tonight!

For 29 amazing years
You’ve brought joy to all you’ve known
You’ve showed them all the love of Christ
And how you too have grown.

You’ve grown into a Christ Follower
You’ve grown into a Friend
You’ve grown into someone that we all can trust
From now until then end

But for me you’ve been so much more
More than literary efforts can portray
A friend, a helpmate, cheerleader, and true love
Growing closer day after day

And although I’ve known you now
For only nine wonderful years
I’ve seen in you all that is beautiful
Through laughter, hope and some tears

I am so blessed to call you my bride
To come home to you each night
To hold you, protect you, care for you too
To love you, even when we fight!

So here’s you my Princess Goldstar
My Icy Hot, daughter of the Most High King
Happy Birthday, my wife –the love of my life
I can’t wait to see what tomorrow will bring!