Monday, January 26, 2009

In the classroom all day

and only 1 meltdown and it wasn't me. There was 1 poop in the pants during nap and 1 wet the mat during naptime. But I didn't have to clean either up. WooHoo! But I like my class. There's definitely opportunity for ministry to kids and parents. I'm making cake pearls tonight since Tim's at Men's Frat. Other than that not much is going on!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

1st day at IHBC & Happy Birthday Daena

Happy Birthday MOM! We miss you and love you and hope you're having a wonderful day! Our first day at IHBC was great! We spent the night at Judy's so we'd have a bed, but overslept 30 minutes past when we wanted to get up. We still were early to the 7:40 call, but we sure would have liked to have been there earlier. I flat ironed my hair and put on makeup in the church bathroom but no big deal. First service went amazingly well (contemporary), and Todd and Tanya (pastor and wife) and I snuck off to Bojangles for breakfast during the S.S. hour. (Shhh it's a secret!) They don't have donut shops on every corner so they have to eat real breakfast foods on Sunday :) Second service was again great and we're about to go eat Chinese with the Children's Pastor Sarah and her family! Have a great day! Oh if you haven't see our video on Facebook - Now all of NC thinks we're nuts too!

Love you,

Friday, January 9, 2009


So I had an interview today with Wachovia Child Development Center for their 3 & 4 year old class. They were super nice and I have a working interview (I go to the classroom for a few hours to see how I fit) on Tuesday. So why the 1%. I put my resume on and our Children's pastor told me that 1% of people who put their resume online get an interview. Wow! That is a God thing.

Back to our Mingus drama - So last night he was cold downstairs and started barking at about 3am. So Tim brought he and the crate upstairs and while a little happier, barked until 4am. Tim put a towel over his crate and finally he clued in that it was time to sleep. It's got to get better!

So our belongings should arrive Monday and we'll have 2 cars again and pots and pans! I miss cooking and baking and such. But things are great! You can see videos of Tim's office and the church on our Dads' facebooks.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

North Carolina

So we're here. I'm in Tim's office and he's at staff meeting. Be looking for a video of our travels on Facebook. Our apartment is nice, the living room is much larger than I remember, so we may not have to put as much in storage. This post may be a little random and skip around since the last 2 days I was stuck in a car.

We left at 6:15ish on Monday and I slept for the first few hours. Of course it rained the whole way. Mingus took his sedative and was perfect! We stopped in Shreveport at the Cracker Barrel for breakfast and I drove through Louisiana and Mississippi. We stopped in Meridian for a late lunch at Chick-Fil-A and bought some sheets for our air mattress at Ross (Great tip, Amanda!). Then we took on Alabama. Did you know it probably the longest state in the world to get across? I felt like we were never going to get to Atlanta, GA. Finally at about 10pm est. we got to our La Quinta (they don't charge for pets - Great tip, Elizabeth!) and we ordered some pizza, video conferenced with the Nugents and went to bed. We left at about 9:30 Tuesday morning and found a Shoney's for breakfast (my fave from my childhood trips- love me some cheesy eggs). We stopped in Greenville, SC (such a pretty downtown - Great tip, Dad) and had coffee and walked in the rain a little. On to North Carolina, we got to the house and Judy was so excited to see us. We unpacked what little we had (the movers will be here on Monday, 1/12), and asked where the Wal-Mart was. Judy suggested we go to the Target, but we had several gift cards we wanted to finish up. She said no one goes to the Wal-Mart, but sent us anyways. It was pretty ghetto, not a Super Walmart and there had been several robberies and broken cars, so we didn't take anything but the necessities. We got our air mattress, a shower curtain, a little food (no microwave or pots/pans), 2 towels, and some dog shampoo (gross wet dog). We made it back in one piece and Judy took us to the local Mexican restaurant. It was good, but there wasn't enough kick! (needed lots more jalepenos, less tomato) We cleaned up some and went to bed. Judy was kind enough to lend us a TV, so we didn't have to sleep in silence, but Mingus decided out of defiance that he would eat his bone and his teeth scraping across it nearly made me lose it! But we slept well and are excited to clean Tim's office. We're going to brown paper the walls (Great idea - Mom) and bring all Tim's guitar/recording gear here. Thomas and Kevin (praise team members) had already come in and gotten rid of a lot of things (the music ministers office was the catch-all, IMAGINE!). So we don't have as much to do as we thought, but I am finding music from 1955 to the present so I have work to do still.

I have a job interview with the Wachovia Child Development Center on Friday at 10am. So be in prayer that if that's where I need to work, everything would fall into place (including coming home opportunities). If not, I've applied at the schools, and can sub until God opens the perfect door for me.

We have a couple of nibbles on the lease of the house, so that's coming along as well.

Pray for us as we start this new adventure/chapter and that Huntersville/Charlotte gets on fire for the Kindgom. Todd (pastor) has a vision that there are 100,000 people in a 5 mile radius of the church (Wow!) and we are going to try to touch all of them in the next 5 years. (That's five people a week!) (And always pray for babies.)

Love much (come see us)